Oliver's Dog Grooming and Day Care - The Spa for Dogs!

Oliver's Dog Grooming
and Day Care

Home Page
Doggie Day Care
Every Pet is Unique
Groomer Ethics
Why does it take so long
Tub Rentals
Spring Sale
Oliver's Dollars

Oliver's Dog Grooming & Day Care

(905) 857-LOVE (5683)


Spring clean-up special April 1 to May 13

Bring us your Labs, Great Danes, Dobermans and Rotti's

Bring us your Jack Russell's, Chihuahuas, and Toy Terriers

Call us for prices

Have your dog smelling and feeling great!

62 Queen Street South,
Bolton, Ontario

(Halfway up the South Hill)


Copyright 2006 Oliver's Dog Grooming and Day Care - Site Designed by Lynn Oliver